What are the kiddos asking for this Christmas?

Santa can use all the help he can get picking the right toys to put under the tree Christmas eve. What are your little ones asking for this year? Are traditional toys still on the list? Or it hitech and electronics all the way?

Leave a comment and help Santa fill the sleigh with the right gifts for good boys and girls.

What do the kiddos want under the tree this year?

What are your children hoping for under the tree this year? Are there new games and toys that will be hot this year? Any old reliables on the list?
Share what Santa should bring this year so we can step up the production at the North Pole.

Favorite Christmas Gift This Year?

The big day has come and gone. The pretty packages have been opened. Exchanges have been made, batteries inserted, and assembly completed where required. Now Santa begins his research for next year. What gifts were hits and which were misses?
What was the best gift you got this year from Santa or anyone else? Tell us a little about it, who gave it to you, why it’s special, or what makes it your favorite.
Share your thoughts!

What was Your Best Gift Ever from Santa?

Santa is pretty busy this time of year reading letters and checking wish lists. Who’s going to get what?
Electronics are certainly hot this year — Wii, Rock Hero, Nintedo DS, cell phones, iPods, and all the accessories. Hannah Montana, Kung Fu Panda, Kit, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers are all popular. And for the twins Aiden & Paul, it’s a Cal-Cu-Lator! (Check out the SNL sketch if you missed it — http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/calculator/866362/)
Then there’s the series of Lexus television ads with kids praising "The Best Gift Ever" from years past. (You can catch them on YouTube — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29w1g-6LxpQ)
It all got me thinking about gift from the past — back in the day.
What was the best present you ever got from Santa? What made it so special? Was it something you asked for or a complete surprise?
Let’s enter the "Way Back Machine" and share some memories from Christmases Past.